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NHS Grampians Pride is leading way for LGBT

A trailblazing team from the health board has been working hard to promote an LGBT-friendly message among both staff and patients. The recent push has seen the creation of rainbow-coloured NHS Grampian badges, colourful lanyards to hold staff passes, and painting benches around the Foresterhill campus in bright colours. The most high-profile move saw staff and their families take part in the Grampian Pride parade, held on the citys Union […]

today6th January 2020


Manchester: NHS staff to wear ‘rainbow badges’ to support LGBT patients

Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust (GMMH) announced on Friday that staff would be taking part in the scheme, which helps lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. A spokesman for the trust said: "Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust has signed up to the NHS Rainbow initiative and we are supporting staff to wear the NHS rainbow badges. "The initiative is a simple way to signal to our LGBT service […]

today12th August 2019
